chizukogoto's blog

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We had a great Halloween party ! The hauntedhouse which Kelly made was so fun and scary. Some of our students were so scared. But no worries. Nobody cried. They also put on nice costumes and enjoyed the party. Kelly was a pirate, Martin was a vampire and Thomas was Darth Vader.


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Halloween Party !!

こんにちわ。都島区eo英会話です。来週はHalloween party

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皆既月食 Lunar Eclipse on 8 October Wednesday !

Hi everyone, Did you watch the lunar eclipse on Wednesday ? Our students and Thomas enjoyed watching it during the lesson. The colour of the moon changed to copper red from yellow. Then it became a beautiful gray. It was a beautiful gray planet. The wonderful moment made us feel how great nature is .
A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra( shadow). They can occur when only the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are aligned ( in syzygy) or very closely with the Earth in the middle. Therefore a lunar eclipse can only occur the night of a full moon.


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Step Test 英検


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ミルクのおかわり。 another cup of milk.

都島区eo英会話です。今日、小4のクラスで、「My news is ~~自分のニュースを英語で言ってみよう!」というのをやりました。 ある生徒は、My team won a soccer game and joined the next level. サッカーの試合に勝って昇格した。 ある生徒は、I practiced tennis last Saturday. 先週の土曜日、テニスの練習をした。そして、面白いというか、子どもらしいというか、こんなニュースも出てきました。 I didn't have another cup of milk for lunch at school today. 今日学校の給食で牛乳のおかわりをしなかった。 過去形を習うと英語で言いたいことが増えますね。 You can express yourself in English better if you learn the past tense.

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Free Trial Lessons 無料体験レッスン実施中!


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obon holiday お盆休み

8月7日~18日は、お休みです。 みなさん、楽しい夏休みをお過ごしください。

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Fireworks !

こんにちわ。都島区eo 英会話です。今日25日は天神祭で花火が上がります。数年前、この花火の日に夜8時から中学生の授業がありました。授業参加者はゼロでした。そりゃそうですよね。年に1回の花火大会。花火の音を聞きながら勉強なんてできませんよ。笑。今日の8時の授業は、休みです!!みんな、楽しんでおいで !
It's Tenjin festival today. You can see beautiful fireworks from 8:00 at night. I just remember that we were supposed to have a lesson with junior high school students on the 25, fireworks' day several years ago. No one showed up ! No, you can't blame them ! Tell me if anyone can study in the classroom, hearing sounds of fireworks !
We don't have any night classes today ! Have fun outside ! It 's summer ! Your season !

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What do you want to be ?

Hello everyone ! 都島区eo 英会話です。4年生のクラスで、What do you want to be ? I want to be a singer. 「 何になりたいですか? 歌手になりたい。」 を習いました。テキストにはan astronaut, a musician, a news reporter, a writer, a scientist, an engineer, a movie star, a truck driver, an architect, 宇宙飛行士、音楽家、科学者 などいろいろな職業が出てきます。 しかし、ときには、I want to be a bird. 鳥になりたい。と思うこともありますよね。I want to be a lion. I want to be a dog. I want to be a cheeter. などの英語が子どもたちの口から出てきましたよ。

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Japanese yen is still strong! Go abroad!

最近の若者は意欲がないと言われますが、どんどん海外に行ってほしいと思います。将来またドルが高くなったら海外に行けませんよ。さあ、レイト(為替)をチェックしてスーツケースも準備してGO !

I talked with some mothers about how the Japanese yen was very weak a long time ago and we had to pay more than 200 yen for a dollar. So, at that time, many people couldn't afford to travel around the world. Going abroad wasn't easy . This talk surprised a young mother very much. " Really ? Buying a dollar for more than 100 yen is still high for me now, but was it more than 200 yen? I can't believe that ! " she said.
It is said that recently young Japnese people don't have any motivation to explore, but I'd like them to go abroad and know many different worlds while they are young. Otherwise they may have to buy more expensive dollars in the future. Check the rate now and pack your suitcase !

eo英会話 - 都島区
